Wednesday, September 23, 2015

We have a date set... The Countdown begins

A lot has been going on in the past week or so. As some may have read on Facebook our storage unit in Mississippi got burglarized last week and really threw a wrench into our plans as we had planned to fly to Florida on Saturday but after getting the call on Tuesday about our things we found a rental and high tailed. That was a really long and rough trip and obviously it took more of a toll on me than I thought.
Fast forward and we are finally in Florida going to our routine (we've learned they are never just "routine") appointments and what was just a check up ended with me in labor and delivery for possible ruptured membranes/leaking amniotic fluid. Auroras amniotic  fluid had went from 27 to 4cm. (One extreme to the other extreme ones to high and the other is scary low)
All tests in L&D were negative for any leaking so I was sent home to drink plenty of fluids and recheck. Later appointment she went up to a decent 8cm.
Other than her fluid being a cause of concern and them keeping a close check on that our baby girl seems to be doing great in every other aspect except heart of course. They used the belly bands on me to listen to aurora's heartbeat and track her movements to look for any fetal destress and it all comes back as she looks fine. Everything else looks to be good: kidneys,bladder,liver,brain blood flow, and little Aurora is practicing breathing. It's so nice to hear the good things because I think we could always hear she's not doing well in any other area.

We met with the cardiologist who will be performing Auroras catheter procedure right after birth. Speaking to him gave us a peace and calmness just understanding exactly what they will be doing to save our precious baby. Is it scary? Most certainly it is. Are there huge risks? With every procedure there are risks but this is super risky. Her tiny heart and the blockage they will be trying to poke through and remove is so small it's millimeters they have to succeed or fail. We pray God gives these doctors a steady hand and all goes perfectly.
Of course we heard every risk and we fully understand and made it clear we will choose to try. we can't allow her to come into this world and not give her a chance she's been beating all the odds this far. Aurora has a very complex case and some hospitals would refuse to even intervene because according to statistics and other textbook literature the children seen with all the issues she has simply don't survive. One huge concern is when the catheter procedure is a successful one that her lungs will be badly damaged and under developed and she will not be able to breathe on her own and in turn her body will shut down. Of course we ask "can't you fix those as well?" While it's not a silly question at all they simply explained that there's no helping lungs that never developed properly or ones that have been taking a beating from blood forcefully pushing back into them with her blockage in her heart. The doctors here have sent Auroras images to two top leading hospitals in pediatric cardiology to hear from them and confirm best plan of Action for aurora's complex case.
The doctors have set my c section date.
October 13th our little precious girl will be entering this world and our next journey begins. Excitedly we are going to be parents and can't wait and on the other hand anxiety will be high we will have a very sick girl on our hands and will have to hand her off after getting a brief visit (30 seconds or so)
An entire team  or teams will be prepared and ready that morning to have Aurora as their priority.. we will deliver in the room connected to the Nicu and they will immediately intubate her and begin Ivs. They will be evaluating her to be sure she's not deteriorating to quickly and will be able to withstand the next phase, her catheter procedure.
We whole heartedly believe our strong little girl is going to come out with just as much strength as she has in womb and will be showing she has purpose.

We ask for these prayers that Aurora is not as bad off as they assume and God will heal our precious girl. Prayers for us to keep us head strong during our journey. Pray little Miss decides to stay put until her planned day of october 13th where she'll have the best team ready!
We have yet to discuss a Plan B with doctors and nurses when they want to know well what if something happens, what if she dosent make it, what do you want. We only have Plan A! Our 'Plan Aurora' consists of her being okay and God will be with us and everyone to get her better. Some may think it's silly not to have a back up and some support our decision and understand if we make or assume we will need a plan B well that's not trusting God and knowing his almighty powers and his ability to make this better. We know how many have shared Auroras story and how many people are praying for her and our family and we also know God is hearing every prayer. No matter what We trust God,he is leading us through this journey and we've been thrown every curve ball and told every doom and gloom possible but we must remain positve and trusting in our faith!!
Thank you all so much for every prayer,concern and kind word sent our way. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you!
Much love from tealah, justin and aurora