Thursday, November 10, 2016

A Rainbow after A storm

So I thought my next blog post would be long before now but I've slacked tremendously in writing things out. I wanted to write on Aurora's birthday instead we kept the day personal and had a butterfly release for her and had her a cake made and just enjoyed the day remembering our angel. Thank you all for the ways you helped make that day special it was so special to us and made me happy for Aurora to see the love from above.

So what we would like to finally share with everyone is we are expecting our 2nd child. Yes, Aurora is going to be a big sister in heaven watching down on her sibling and keeping him safe.
Justin and I are happy to announce we are expecting a little boy!!! His due date is March 25th and as we have known for a few months we were so reluctant to share for many reasons.
One I wanted to make it through the unknowns of his health. At just 13 weeks we had a chromosome test and learned through that screening that he was a boy. Also  that he showed no markers for a chromosome condition and the blood results were conclusive to what we saw physically that everything was negative for chromosome abnormalities.

Second I wanted to see his little heart so waiting for several more weeks (just this past Monday) we had our anatomy scan and were happy to see confirmed he indeed is a little boy and overjoyed seeing a healthy 4 chamber heart.
We still have to get a closer look of his heart for more confirmation he is heart healthy in a few weeks (fetal echo) but seeing a 4 chamber heart made us feel relief. As you know Aurora essentially had half a heart where her left ventricle (pump) did not form.

And for a gazillion other reasons my mind raced on how to share this with everyone. To the mothers I've met, families we've grown to know in our journey and knowing friends trying to conceive, how can I share good news when my heart aches and understands each struggle and heartache all these others feel? I want nothing more than each of you to experience joy and fullness in your hearts no matter the journey. Each announcement of a pregnancy can cause so many so much pain and I know this so I tread lightly but whole heartedly in saying we are proud to be parents again.  I couldn't grasp I was pregnant. I had thoughts racing knowing lightening can strike twice and with this pregnancy as happy as we are, I feel as if my innocence and joy are robbed from me.
However, as we trusted God with Aurora's life we must do the same with our son and have faith he will be healthy.

Saturday I will be 21 weeks along with our "rainbow" baby. After a loss the next child is considered the rainbow baby so for those wondering. I am now ready to be open with everyone. Thank you for being with us through our struggles and journey through loss and thank you for being with us through our rainbow journey. As much as I wanted to share this sooner I hope you all understand my reasonings.
I will be thrilled to now see a healthy heart for our little boy up close and be able to share that in next few weeks. We love you all so much and so fortunate to have each of you in our lives. I couldn't imagine how harder our journey would be without the love and support we have received from you!