Sunday, August 2, 2015

glimpse at our miracle

So I just had to share with you all the little glimpse into our miracle that we got to see yesterday. We are still in Colorado Springs and are commuting back to Florida for doctors appointments as they come but we decided we wanted to see Aurora outside of the doctors visits. Each visit we are only reminded of her condition and are filled with statistics of survival and to say the least they are never pleasant. However we went to our second 3d/4d baby expressions office where we could just have some time with just Aurora. No doctors pointing out the fluid and issues, no scoping her heart for 30 minutes. We just got to enjoy her!! Her movements her smiles that she insisted on giving us almost the whole time. She looks so comfy and peaceful and the feeling that gives us as her parents is, well its undescrib
able. We were delighted to see her and try to determine whose features she has already. We've concluded my nose and Justin's little chin with a dimple. It's quite obvious with her chunky cheeks that she has cute little dimples and I'll go ahead and take credit for those! :-)
Now being so used to looking for the bad I admittedly spotted the fluid behind her neck and pointed out how her hands looked swollen but I was able to find joy in that as well and just called her a little chunk with chubby hands lol.
We truly believe Aurora is our miracle baby and she's beating the odds everyday. She's so active and obviously is happy down there with her many smiles.  The best part was getting the video and pictures to take home and as we already looked at them all and watched the video again it's special to us.
I managed to keep my composure until after we left the clinic and cried so many tears of joy! I know it scared justin as he asked "are those happy tears?"  I'm really happy to have those happy memories of Aurora and her little smile!

We pray everyday for our little girl and talk to her constantly. Justin will ask me if Aurora is moving and I reply no she's actually calm right now. so he lays down and says "Aurora you sleeping baby girl?"
And want you know she kicks and starts squirming around just for him. It's the little things like this that keep justin and I going. We enjoy everyday we get with her and even more so now knowing that little girl is happy! Oblivious to any condition/syndrome or any worries we may have here in the real world for now she's in pure bliss! The most magical part of this entire preganacy is her and her moving and beating the odds. The heartburn, hip pain, and any other complaint I could try to conjure up doesn't compare to her making us happy!

We appreciate all the continued prayers for our family! We are so thankful for the time we get to share with her everyday. We trust God with our daughters life/ his daughters life and know he is with us all through this. We have worries of course about her health and insurance/financial part of all this but again we just pray and we know and believe Gods got this! We are not alone he's here with us and I can honestly say ive never felt his presence in my life more than i do now. When we trust and believe God will deliver.
Thank you in advance for all the thoughts and prayers for Aurora! God hears them all! :-)


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Where is the picture's