Monday, October 12, 2015

Tomorrow is the Big Day

It feels surreal that the day has already come where Aurora will be born. I can remember the moment I read the positive pregnancy test to Justin. I handed the test to him shaking my head yes while crying and his voice began to shake he stood up and said "what, what is it?" "Is it positve?" As I continued to cry and just nod my head yes justin looked at the test and broke down. He grabbed me so tight and we just hugged and cried together so many happy tears. Oh what an awesome night that was!! I could relive this moment over and over and I do all the time.  

So as tomorrow approaches all we know is the best plan we have and the hospital has planned to help little miss aurora get on track. We will not have the normal birthing plan as some families are blessed to have but we are going to be happy our daughter is being born into the most controlled environment as possible with a team ready to receive her.Auroras health is our main concern so we as parents are just sucking it up that we will not have the first precious moments of her life spent in our arms. As selfishly as i want our child to be with us we know that every second/minute is valuable to the team in preparing her catheter procedure so we must accept our birthing plan. We know once we can hold her it will be magical and so worth the wait. We finally get to lay eyes upon the child ive been carrying for 38 weeks. We will hear her cry, see her precious face and finally see who she looks like what color her eyes and hair will be.
At 7:30 am we have our c section and we will not get to hold her nor have Justin cut the cord but we do know we can briefly see her before she's taken to the Nicu where they will be intubating her and getting the ivs started with medicine. They will look at her heart and then be sending her onto the cath lab where the cardiologists will begin their critical procedure. We more than likely will not get an update for the next couple of hours I'm sure we will hear something but beggining to end we are planning on "no news is good news" and the team will let us know when procedure is complete a couple hours later.
Our families will be there patiently waiting as I recover and as Aurora is being cared for. We have some awesome nurses and a care team who will be present helping keep our family in the loop and helping guide justin to where he can go to see aurora first possible chance.
I know we are in good hands here and have felt The care and compassion from everyone we have met here. Auroras condition has been spoken about at every meeting among the top staff and they are anticipating her arrival and are ready.
This past week I've had justin here with me to relax, relax and relax some more and it's been great. I'm sure it's going to hit me tomorrow as I'm being prepped for surgery and my anxiety will flare up but for now we are remaining calm and at peace.
I'm nervous but not scared, I know God is watching over us and he will be there tomorrow with everyone as we go through some tense moments and waiting to hear the word.
What I pray:
Auroras condition is better than predicted
God leads the hands of the cardiologists and doctors/nurses as they operate and prepare Aurora
We remain at peace and stay calm throughout it all
God's presence is with us all (staff,families)
We hear our daughter cry and she shows just how strong she is.

We ask you lift our family in prayer! Pray for little Aurora that she comes out fighting and she's healthier than they assume. Pray for this new mama and daddy to be we keep calm and are able to enjoy every second we see of our baby girl. She is our miracle after all. I will start aurora her own page shortly on Facebook but will have Justin or my mother in law make an announcement sometime tomorrow about Aurora on my personal page. I know so many have asked and sent many words of encouragement and truly care for her well being so we definitely want to update you!

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